"United in diversity" - The motto of the European Union since 2000
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After World War II, European leaders set their sights on peace through economic integration. In the Schuman Declaration of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) pooled resources between six countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) thus forming the foundation of the 1957 European Economic Community (EEC), where they encouraged a common market and deeper unification.
Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, the European Community evolved and expanded. The EU was officially established in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty which introduced the concept of EU citizenship and paved the way for the introduction of a single currency, the euro. Subsequent treaties and expansions, including the 2004 and 2007 enlargements, brought in numerous new member states, transforming the EU into a diverse and dynamic union.
The EU has faced numerous challenges, from economic crises to geopolitical shifts. The 2008 global economic downturn put tremendous pressure on the monetary and fiscal policies of the eurozone, which recognizes a single currency within the EU in addition to targeting critical problems such as climate change and migration and addresses digital transformation for security and prosperity in the member states.
The European Union as we know it today was founded by visionary leaders whose drive and commitment made our current era of peace and stability possible. These pioneers came from different backgrounds, including resistance fighters, lawyers and parliamentarians, but they all shared a vision of a peaceful, united and prosperous Europe.
While the pioneers highlighted here played crucial roles, countless others have also contributed to and inspired the European project. This overview of the EU's founders remains a work in progress, recognizing the ongoing efforts of many.
On the left side, there is a picture of representatives from the Six celebrating the signing of the Treaty that established the ECSC in Paris, on the 18th of April 1951 (Source). The image depicts the following pioneers (left to right): Paul van Zeeland, Joseph Bech, Joseph Meurice, Carlo Sforza, Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer, Dirk Stikker and Johannes van den Brink.