Informatics High-School "Grigore Moisil" Iasi

During 2003-2004 school year, Oracle Romania and the Ministry of Education and Research organized in Romania two Oracle Academies at Computer Science National College "Tudor Vianu" Bucuresti (instructor prof. Corina Achinca) and at National College "Cantemir-Voda" Bucuresti (instructor prof. Florentina Mocrienco).
The activity was really successfull, the students were very interested and worked hard and the team from Computer Science National College "Tudor Vianu" Bucuresti was the winner of Data Modelling Competition in 2003, and again in 2005. Next year another 7 Oracle Academies joined the program:

Nr. Liceu Instructor Elevi
1 Computer Science National College "Tudor Vianu" Bucuresti Corina Achinca  
2 National College "Cantemir-Voda" Bucuresti Florentina Mocrienco  
3 National College "Mihai Viteazu" Bucuresti Mioara Gheorghe  
4 "Grigore Moisil" High School Bucuresti Rodica Pintea  
5 Computer Science High School "Grigore Moisil" Timisoara Alina Mihail  
6 National College "Gheorghe Lazar" Sibiu Carmen Popescu  Oracle Internet Academy Sibiu 2004
7 "Stefan Odobleja" High School Craiova Roxana Timplaru  
8 National College "Mircea cel Batran" Constanta Daniela Ravoiu  
9 Computer Science High School "Grigore Moisil" Iasi Emanuela Cerchez

Oracle Internet Academy Iasi 2004
Oracle Internet Academy Iasi 2005


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