- Binary tree where any vertex has degree zero (is terminal) or degree two (has exactly two children).
- A finite set of nodes that is either empty or:
-- There is a special node called the root of the tree
-- The set of other nodes is partitioned into n>=0 classes A1, A2, ..., An, each class being a tree with root. The root of the tree is joined by edges to the roots of the trees A1, A2, ..., An.
- An abstract data structure consisting of elements that have an associated value called a key or priority that carries the following operations:
-- Insert(Q,x): inserts element x into the priority queue Q;
-- ExtractMax(Q): extracts the maximum value element from the priority queue Q.
- A complete binary tree in which the value stored in any of its nodes is greater than or equal to the values stored in its child nodes.
- A complete binary tree in which the value stored in any of its nodes is less than or equal to the values stored in its child nodes.