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2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004

Data Modeling
3rd Prize Siveco Cup 2007

Data modeling represents the first step in implementing database driven applications and it consists of analyzing the data and the relationships between data. Its purpose is to elaborate the conceptual data model. The efficiency of the data model is essential for the application.
Even though for a database developer the study of data modeling is the equivalent to algorithmics for a programmer, data modeling isn’t studied systematically and compelling in school, the implementation and exploitation being emphasized. The syntax of a data manipulation language and how to use it for database query is very well studied, but… we don’t learn how to project databases. We don’t learn how to communicate with clients, to analyze their requests, to identify the relevant data and the important relationships between them. The main objective of this software is to help students understand how to model a real-life activity.

Structure based on psychopedagogical principles
The software is made up by a sequence of didactic moments, structured on psychopedagogical principles. In each moment contains clearly specified operational objectives, theoretical aspects, examples and tasks that allow students to achieve each specified objective.

Functional and standardized interface
The interface consists of three big areas:
• the theoretical area, in which theoretical elements are presented;
• the active area, in which animations are played, demonstrations and exemplifications are presented and the student can solve tasks;
• the informational area, in which the student is told what he hast to do.

Customizable educational partner
The student is accompanied throughout all the lectures by an educational partner (boy or girl, at his choice). In the first moment of the first lecture, the student can customize his partner as he pleases choosing from physiological and clothes elements. The customized partner will be used by the student in all moments and will be present in all animations that illustrate learning situations.

Learning situations
The lectures structure is based on 5 learning situations:
• The didactic activity at a college (the students, classes, courses evidence);
• The activity at a library (the readers and books evidence);
• The activity of a video store (the members, films, dvds evidence);
• The activity of a tourism agency;
• A zoological atlas.
Every learning situation is presented using an animation. The student must watch the animation to identify relevant data and relevant relationships between data. No extra information is offered, he must analyze the given situation in a real-life manner. Afterwards student has to model the analyzed activity according to ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram) rules, using the ERD diagram editor included in the software.

Tool: ERD diagram editor
For drawing the ERD diagrams the software includes an extremely useful tool: a specialized ERD editor. The tool is designed to allow drawing of all the elements specific to the ERD diagrams: entities, attributes (optional and mandatory), unique identifiers (simple and composed), relations (and the cardinality and optionality of these), transferable relationships and bared relationships, subtypes, arcs.

Psychosocial behaviour
2nd prize Siveco Cup 2007

Computer-aided study of social psychology is spreading wider and wider. Psychology was born out of the need to know oneself, to know the others, to seek the answers to different questions.
Studying psychology in the virtual environment becomes a challenge, both for teachers and students. The interaction we are trying to achieve through the proposed tasks offers the two educational partners the chance to visualize theoretical aspects of this domain through the eyes of a software developer. The entertaining elements, which are frequently used in this material, help students assimilate theoretical notions easier and for a longer time.
Theoretical content is structured on 5 lessons and has its starting point in the domain of social psychology. The definition of this domain has not been presented traditionally, as a number of theoretical characteristics, but as a didactic game that emphasizes through its tasks the basic concepts, the essential characteristics of this area of psychology.
Obviously every lesson is mostly composed of theoretical aspects that students have to assimilate; synthesizing these aspects in didactic sketches helps students extract the main elements and their characteristics, while helping the teacher to synthesize the multitude of theoretical elements considering certain parameters.
We combined the methods teachers use in order to present the theoretical content to students, using new psychological methods and instruments: survey, scala, test. We consider that, in order to study this chapter of general psychology, student must be familiar with psychological and social aspects that can distinguish his personality.
We managed to transpose theoretical elements of social psychology into practical applications that student can do in any moment of his existence. We are talking about the analysis and quantification of the personal data that can make a correct Curriculum Vita.
We did these tasks in order to combine theoretical aspects of this domain with the practical ones: color interpretation, analysis and classification of values, the identification of the strong points of a personality.
The final evaluation proposes an original approach, using the Interest Questionnaire created by J. Holland. The questionnaire transposes the types of personality into domains of activity specific for every individual.

© Emanuela Cerchez 2004